Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Scoop

Ok so this is not just a blog about raising a child with Autism.  It's about my journey starting at age thirty.  It's about being a mother, dealing with infertility, trying to be an amazing wife and trying to somehow squeeze a second in for myself from time to time.  I want to share my struggles, accomplishments and the daily choices that I make in order to do what's best for Aubrey. 

Aubrey is six years old.  She is non-verbal and extremely full of energy.  She has long curly blonde hair and is like a ball of sunshine bouncing off of the walls, until she's not........

I recently had my fourth miscarriage.  This one happened at seventeen weeks.  Trying to have a baby is certainly the most stressful thing in my life right now. 

I have been married for 6 years.  It has ups and downs like any marriage but is definitely the most stable thing in my day to day life. 

We live in Northwestern North Dakota.  We moved from Las Vegas to ensure that Aubrey was given the best chances of a non-stressful life possible. 

Almost every single decision I make, is based on what is best for Aubrey.  I believe that my job, for the rest of my life, is to ensure she is given the best chance of success.  I understand that it was not my choice to have a child with special needs, but it was my choice to have a child. I no longer wonder what my purpose in life is or what I am meant to do. I know my purpose is to take care of her. 

Follow me on this journey and discover the highs, lows, and in-betweens of a woman trying to simply succeed at life.

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