Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Girl and a Horse Named Mac

Update 7-17-18

I wanted to look back at this old post below and see how Aubrey has progressed in her riding, because she has been at it for just a little over 3 years now.  A few things have changed, we added an occupational therapist to the mix, but it is mostly the same.  Reading the old post honestly made me tear up a little.  I wrote that she had written "run" on her talker during the session.  Today she used the word "race" instead, but the intent was all the same.  Three years later and she still just wants the horse to go fast!  She is still riding Mac once a week during the summer.  This year and last year, she stopped once school started and moved back to the pool for physical therapy.  It just gets cold out and I don't think any of us want to ask too much of the adorable woman that lends her time and horse to Aubrey.  Aubrey understands Mac much better these days and does some trotting and leads him and helps take off his saddle once the session is complete.  This activity is still one that Aubrey seems to really enjoy and I hope I can look back in another three years and say that she is still loving it just as much.


Today was horse riding day! This is quickly becoming Aubrey's second favorite therapy. I'm not exactly sure if we can call it Hippotherapy since we do not do it with a licensed Hippotherapist. Since we live in such a small town, that type specialist is just not available.  We just have a lady who lets us use her horse and indoor arena, a physical therapist, a physical therapy assistant and a little girl who giggles for 45 minutes straight. This is a new activity for Aubrey and today was only her 4th time riding. The plan was to start very slowly with getting Aubrey familiar with a horse and then work up to actually riding. That was out the window within the first 5 minutes of the first session. She petted the horse, learned his name, which is Mac, and was ready to ride. Within the next ten minutes she was typing R-U-N on her iPad. There was not an ounce of fear in her body. I've watched videos and read stories of how riding a horse was completely life changing to autistic children. I'm not expecting a miracle but I really think it's important to have Aubrey in as many constructive activities as possible. It gives meaning to her day and I am able to praise her for the progress she makes. It is another great bonding experience with her.

Today we worked on Aubrey putting plastic cones on top of a pole, throwing a ball into a bucket, and leaning down and opening, checking and closing a mailbox. The goal is for Aubrey to use her core and legs to stabilize herself at all times. Aubrey gets very bored with a task once she has mastered it so it is important for her team to constantly think of new ideas to challenge her. 

Seth was able to join us today which always makes it an even more special time. I want Aubrey to feel supported by everyone in her life and to know we are always there cheering her on!

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