Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer School

Thursday will be the last day of summer school for Aubrey this year. This is the time that I really have to kick myself into overdrive. My fear is that she will lose some of the knowledge she has gained throughout the year. That she will get out of that routine that is so vital to her success. Last summer I prepared a learning room in our basement so that I have a place to take her during the day to work on various educational task. It's where we practice writing, coloring, painting, dressing magnetic dolls, etc. If I had it my way, the school would provide a program for her all summer but that is just not realistic. We will go on a vacation and then come home to a new schedule. Instead of rushing to school, because we are ALWAYS late, we will wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed and go downstairs. I like to have a goal in mind each morning for at least one thing I would like to see her accomplish for the day. Usually, it is more of a behavioral goal and not an academic one. Lengthening her attention span is usually something I want to work on. This summer, very basic concepts of math will be my main focus. Reading and spelling came so easily to her but math has been a struggle. I want to see her go into first grade with at least the very basic understanding of how you can add and subtract numbers. 

Wish us luck on our learning adventure! 

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