Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Two Weeks and 16 States Later

Last night we returned from our summer vacation. It was the longest we have ever been away from home with Aubrey. On the trip down, it was just Aubrey and I. We went to Mississippi to see my family for a week and then Seth flew down and we all went to Orange Beach, Alabama for a week. The trip was full of new experiences for Aubrey. She got to experience a sweltering Mississippi summer, life without wifi, how to decifer southern accents, the joy of sweet tea, and that a place does exist where you can swim almost all day.

While I loved seeing how much fun she was having, I enjoyed watching her take in the world even more. With so many new things at her fingertips, it was interesting to see her reactions. Being in a car and traveling didn't seem to rock the boat too much. She and I have traveled together quite a bit and she seemed content with that for the most part. Being in a home setting with no internet, now that was a different story. It was like her little world was upside down and she was constantly searching for a connection to her comfort zone. It didn't bother her in the car but she was out of sorts in the house. Not being able to "stim" on the iPad was a big upset. Once she figured out that my phone was still capable of reaching Dora, UmiZoomi, and Super Why, the battle was on! For the most part, I lost and will end up with a gigantic data bill. Probably should have prepared a little better for that.  It is also always interesting to watch her with new people.  Usually she comes into contact with new people, who are trying to interact with her, in an educational setting so it's much different in a social setting.  She definitely tries to take advantage of the situation.  Case in point, when my grandfather is playing outside with Aubrey and he says, "is that iPad waterproof?"  Aubrey would never put her iPad in a swimming pool with me around.  She knew good ol' grandpa might let her try it out though.  So, she got to see what Dora looks like in a swimming pool....for about 10 seconds. It is really refreshing to see her do things that any typical 6 year old would do, like try to be sneaky when mom isn't around.

After the week visiting family, we headed to the the beach with my little brother, who loves Aubrey will all of his heart, my mom, my grandma and my great aunt. It was literally heaven on earth for her. First of all, she was back in business with wifi but even better was the pool.  There was a swimming pool that had a small water fall and the water was mostly only three feet deep.  She had the freedom to swim around and stay under water as much as she wanted to.  She was taking it all in.  She got to see so many other children playing and swimming and having a great time with their parents.  We only made it to the beach a few times.  That was more like sensory overload, not sensory nirvana.  The sand was hot, the water was too vast for spatial orientation, the water tasted funny and well frankly there were just too many jellyfish lurking for my comfort.  The pool was a much better fit.  One night we went out to play laser tag and hired a babysitter. Needless to say, Aubrey gave that poor girl a run for her money. iPad in the bath, refused to go to bed, wouldn't eat. I knew I would push her limits with a babysitter but I really wanted to take my grandmother to play laser tag. Apologies to the babysitter who was basically punished for me messing with Aubrey's routine. 

Halfway through the week, some of my family left and the other group had not yet arrived, so just Seth, Aubrey and I went down to a local shopping center where there was a Ferris Wheel.  We thought she might get a little frightened on it at first.  No way.  She loved every second of it.  She was taking it all in.  The wind in her face, the unsteadiness of the seat, the sights below her. She absolutely loved it.  After we got off she said "wheel" and demanded to go again. With an articulated demand like that, heck yes we can do it again. 

All in all it was a fantastic trip to the coast. She effectively communicated with everyone and swam her heart out. 

On the way home we took a different route home and went through Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. We came home exhausted and ready to get back to our slower days. 

Big thanks to all of my family for being brave enough to vacation with us! 

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