Friday, September 4, 2015

Moving Right Along

Aubrey just finished her first full week of First Grade. As usual, I cannot sing enough praises for her school. They have been completely in tune with her needs and accommodating to her adjustment at the beginning of a new year. Her teacher is new to the school and even she has just welcomed Aubrey with open arms. I know that it is hard to imagine anyone not welcoming Aubrey into their classroom but I can definitely tell you that we have it better than most. I follow several other parents blogs their children with autism and I KNOW we are extremely lucky to have the support system and open mindedness that we do. 

One person that I have not mentioned a lot in the past is Aubrey's paraprofessional. She really is Aubrey's lifeline at school. This person is with Aubrey throughout most of the day and has been since Aubrey was in preschool. She is my window to Aubrey's day and the liaison between Aubrey and everyone else at the school. She knows what makes Aubrey tick. She knows what foods she likes, what sensory activities work best, what subjects Aubrey excels in and what is a struggle. Aubrey depends on her constantly and she never gives up on Aubrey. At the end of every day, she gives me the rundown of how the day went and what emotions were expressed throughout the day - mad, sad, excited, etc. I would be so clueless without her. I really does take a special kind of person to work with special needs children. 

Aubrey is off to a great start and made a 100% on her first spelling test on Friday. I'm sure she could have aced most of the spelling test given in the elementary school though. I want to keep the momentum going and hopefully even continue being on time for school, not our strong point last year. 😊 

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