Thursday, December 28, 2017

Year In Review 2017

2017 was the year of change for us.  We started the year completely refreshed after a wonderful family vacation to Hawaii.  Aubrey was able to spend her days playing in the ocean and Seth and I got to spend some much needed time together, just loving life.

In January, my mom moved up from Mississippi.  January isn't exactly the time of year that anyone would want to move to North Dakota but she tackled it with ease and transitioned to life in Crosby, ND without a hitch.  She has been able to spend copious amounts of time with Aubrey and get to know Aubrey all over again.

In February, I found out that I was expecting, again.  This happened right before a major trial that I had been working on for years.  Perfect timing.  We kept the news quiet from everyone for a while until I could not hide it any longer.

In March, Seth was promoted at Hess.  He doesn't like to make a fuss over those type things but I don't mind sharing that he was promoted to his current level pretty quickly.  He is so smart and continues to love what he does.

By the end of April, Aubrey was back in a swimsuit as her play attire.  She finished second grade and geared up for another summer of fun with Jeri.  Since I was pregnant and unable to help much on the farm, I was able to spend my evenings with Aubrey.  We took Ranger rides almost every day and just hung out on the farm.

In June, we took a quick and easy vacation to Las Vegas to spend some time at the pool and soak up some desert sun.  Aubrey swam her heart out to the point of being too tired to swim by the fourth day.  First time that's ever happened.

In August, my dad, Marsha, John Michael and Kayla made their way up for a visit.  We had such a nice visit and John Michael got to jump hay bales and we all did a 5K together. I took another trip to Vegas with Aubrey to see a neurologist and she lounged by the pool like a diva for a few days. Aubrey also started 3rd grade in August.  Drew started his senior year at Ole Miss.

By September, I was gearing up for baby and getting things in order to take time off of work.  Seth stayed busy with harvest and Aubrey loved to go out and ride with him in the combine in the evenings.

October brought the Royal Ball and harvest carnival.  Aubrey dazzled in her ball gown and danced the night away with her handsome date, dad.

November brought us baby Alexander.  He is now 5 weeks old and growing like a weed.  I am so in love and would just hold him and look into his eyes all day. Aubrey is still coming to terms with the idea of a baby in the house.  Seth has returned to a normal work schedule but I am still spending my days in pajamas and solving client problems from home for the most part.

December was the month of catching our breath from a whirlwind year.  We celebrated Christmas with both mine and Seth's family.  Tyler moved up in December and Drew made a trip up for the holiday.  It was the first time we had all been together for Christmas in probably 6 or 7 years.

As we look to the year ahead there are so many big events on the horizon.  I will return to work after the new year, Alexander will split his time between my office and dad.  Aubrey will wrap up 3rd grade and continue to become more independent and gorgeous.  Drew will enter grad school at Ole Miss in the fall.  I am also hopeful to gain another brother this year, John Michael.  He has become a part of our lives and we have high hopes for a successful adoption within the year.

It's almost impossible for next year to top this year and the joys that we experienced this year, but we are looking forward to making the most of an exciting year with our kids and will certainly be making memories to last a lifetime.