Sunday, April 23, 2017

One Last Rodeo

My co-worker got a text last night asking if I'm pregnant. I guess putting on a extra weight is indicative of being pregnant. Good thing I am, or that would have been really awkward. That's right, we decided to give it one more shot. One more hopeful prayer that we can have a baby. It's pregnancy number seven and enough is enough. I'm currently 10 weeks and there are already some concerns. I have a small hemorrhage and three cyst in my uterus. The baby looks great though. During my ultrasound sound Friday, it was dancing as much as one inch nugget can dance. This actually all came as a surprise, after a failed attempt with fertility meds a few months ago. I didn't know for a few weeks and was not prepared when I figured it out. Being on the eve of a gigantic trial, I kept it a secret from everyone other than Seth and my co-worker Sam. I didn't really want everyone's opinion on me being 7 weeks and working literally 90 hours a week. It's not a good time for me to consider slowing down right now with the law office bursting at the seams with new cases and the start of farming season right around the corner, but that's how it goes.
So this is it, our one last rodeo in the world of pregnancy. If it doesn't go well, it doesn't mean we won't try other options, but I'm burnt out on first trimesters, weekly doctors appointments and being heartbroken with no no answers. If I have a beautiful baby in 30 weeks, all of these struggles will be long forgotten. We will keep our fingers crossed and our expectations light.
Update 5-17-17:  It's a boy! We did some genetic testing because even if I were to have a healthy pregnancy, there's a 50/50 chance that a boy would have the same X deletion I have and that would be bad news. I had convinced myself that I couldn't have a boy.  Out of 7 babies, this is the first boy. Now, after getting that news, we had to wait several more days to get all of the results back to know if it did or did not have the deletion. A lot of planning and processing came in those three days. I got the call on Monday, everything is normal! What the heck is happening?!?!! I'm having a little boy! I have been so set in my mind that it was impossible for so long. A little boy to protect and watch over our precious little girl. My heart is so full with hope and joy. Now, this doesn't change anything with the possibility of miscarriage but it makes me so hopeful that maybe this time is really for real. Stay tuned........
Update 6-30-17: I had my 20 week anatomy ultrasound today and everything looks perfect! My pregnancy has been going well and there are no signs of complications. I'm honestly feeling great. I forgot how easy the second trimester was. I get a little tired in the afternoons but that's all. Now, of course there is still all of the anxiety I shared in my other blog post, but my pregnancy itself is going really smoothly. We've decided to start ordering a few necessities and are slowly changing our mindsets from expecting the worst to expecting the best. I have discussed somewhat of a plan for birth with my primary OB and the baby will not be born in Williston - it's just not the place for me. We will have to consult more with the perinatologist in August to decide if I will have the baby in Bismarck or Fargo. Either would be fine with us, we'd travel anywhere to ensure the best care. I would start care at the planned delivery location at about 30 weeks and be induced at week 38-39. Anyone who knows me, knows that's not an ideal plan for me. I love the idea of a completely natural birth in my living room with soothing music and dim lights. I had to set those thoughts aside with Aubrey and I'm more than willing to set them aside again with safety in mind. My routine appointments have gone to every four weeks now that I can feel baby tumbling around. Best feeling ever! 

Update 9-19-17
Things aren’t “perfect” like I thought they were at 20 weeks. I’m now 31 weeks and we know that there is Fetal Growth Restriction. What the heck, a small baby? What will I even do with a tiny kid? I’m so accustomed to lugging around a 4’7” 80 pound kid, that has always been off the charts. The abdomen is consistently measuring below the 10th percentile which means I’m having ultrasounds every two weeks to monitor. Of course, there seems to be no real rhyme or reason for it, blood flow looks good. I’ve had three ultrasounds now, by three different techs and it’s definitely small. We met again with our Maternal Fetal Specialist today and things are staying constant, which is the best it can be, if it’s going to remain abnormal. I have scheduled a date to be induced and hope that I can make it until then to let baby grow and develop for as long as possible. He will be born in Fargo at the new hospital to ensure we have everything available that myself or baby could possibly need.
I’m beginning to require more rest and can’t seem to manage on 4 hours of sleep anymore. I have scheduled my last day of work to be two weeks before my induction date to give me some time to rest before the birth. The nursery is coming together and all of the furniture is in place. Aubrey has taken to the baby bed and likes to spend time watching her iPad in it. I’m not sure Alexander want to take to Bubble Guppies so early in life, but he may not have a choice.

Update 10-15-17

35 weeks. Hold on little buddy, we are so close to seeing this thing through.  The ultrasound at week 32 told us that not only is the abdomen small, but so is the femur.  Really small.  It was measuring in the 1 percentile.  The next one told us that the abdomen was falling on the chart even more, 4th percentile.  Now I'm having weekly Doppler scans to check the blood flow through the cord and to check the amniotic fluid.  Blood flow still looks good, amniotic fluid is getting low.  When they test for this, they look to see the largest pocket of fluid around the baby.  The lower limit is 2 centimeters.  The largest they could find last week was 2.1 centimeters.  The baby is still active and his heart rate is still looking really good though.  I will meet with the perinatologist again on Tuesday and we will see what his thoughts are.  I am thinking not much will change as long as nothing gets any worse.  We just want to let this baby keep growing and developing in a safe environment - as long as the womb is still safe.  Just a few more weeks and a very tiny little baby will be here. 😊

Aubrey has been kind of all over the place with meds and some behaviors.  I completely take back what I said in my last update.  I can totally still function on 4 hours of sleep.  That was just a rare blip of thinking I don't have superhuman capabilities.  hahaha.

Update 10-17-17

New developments today!  We had the growth scan today with the perinatologist and everything is on the upswing!  In the past two weeks our little guy has put on 1.5 lbs, going from 3 lbs 10 oz to 5 lbs.  Way to go chunky monkey.  The femur went from the 1st percentile to the 16th percentile and the the abdomen went from the 4th percentile to the 19th.  Also, all of the pockets of amniotic fluid that they measured were all over 2 cm with the largest being 4.6 cm.  That's an upgrade just within the past four days.  All of this is an amazing turn in progress and I am beyond elated to have good news.  I am so appreciative of all of the prayers and well wishes this baby has been given.  I am still on track to be induced on November 20th in Fargo.  I will continue doing weekly visits and Doppler scans to ensure good blood flow through the cord along with non-stress tests.  I change blood thinners next week in preparation for birth.  I feel like I'm ready for this and with the good news today, there is a new calm over the situation.  The doctor still suggested that I relocate to Fargo a week or two before my due date, which is just not possible with Aubrey.  I will handle that as time gets closer though and have promised her that she will be with her mommy when baby comes.  Thank you again for all of the support and I look forward to more positive updates as the world awaits the arrival of baby Alexander.

Update 11-9-17

I'm so ready to have this baby.  His abdomen and femur are measuring small again, both around the 3rd percentile.  He's estimated to weigh 6 lbs though.  The Dopplers look good and all of the non-stress tests have been normal.  At this point, they will not change anything and I'm still set to be induced on November 20th.  Hematology can't get my levels stabilized now that I've switched to heparin and I've gotten cellulitus in my belly, so I'm on antibiotics for that.  My blood pressure is running high too.  No real surprise there. I'm so ready to stop worrying about this pregnancy.  I think it's much easier to worry about a baby that I can see, than one I can't.  I have one more regular visit and ultrasound and then we head to Fargo to meet our little nugget.  I'm so very ready to not be pregnant ever again.