Monday, December 19, 2016

Nygaard 2016 Christmas Letter

What a year for our little family.  It has been a rollercoaster year and we just held on and hoped for the best.  We have had ups, downs, twist, turns and not a dull moment in between.  

We have had three major loses this year with our unborn baby, our dearest friend Russ, and Grandma Norma.  We hold those loved ones in our heart and we think of them daily.  I have written a lot about the loss of the first two because I was so heartbroken and my blog has been a great help to mend my soul.  

Aubrey entered into second grade this year and has become an expert at using a communication app on her iPad to communicate with everyone around her.  Her advanced spelling has really become apparent and helps her express her thoughts to the world.  She is adjusting well to her new meds for her epilepsy and has had no negative side effects. She recently participated in the annual Christmas concert at school where she was was able to stand and jingle along with the other students.  We were so proud and she gave Santa's beard a little tug in the middle of the show just to show some extra spirit.  

Work has been extremely busy for me this year with major transitions in the office.  We moved into a new location in Crosby in the Spring and Liz' family transitioned to Kalispell, MT in the fall.  Liz is still back and forth and will be expanding the business with a second office early next year.  The oil and gas work has slowed significantly in Divide County so I have had the opportunity to be a much more diverse paralegal.  

Seth is still with Hess and his job is still quite stable.  There has been some reorganization within the company but his position remains unchanged.  He is becoming quite the farmer though and his time is split almost evenly between the two for most of the year.

Aubrey's paraprofessional from school continued to work with Aubrey over the summer, which allowed me to work continuously through the summer and not take time off like I have in the past. That worked out well because in August we had a Federal Trial in Bismarck that took weeks of preparation and hours upon hours of testimony.  We do not yet know the outcome but my fingers our crossed that our client prevails.  

Harvest went well this year and there were no major issues.  Lots of long days driving in circles.  I enjoy (almost) every minute of it and love when Aubrey can be out and be in the field with me.  

We hosted an Engagement Party for Seth's cousin Lindsay and her fiancĂ© Eric in July at our home.  We also had Russ' family and my parents visit in July.  Busy month!

Tyler moved to Houston in the fall and is working with a great company, Lindsey Lighting. He loves the area and is doing well.  He and his girlfriend, Blake, adopted a puppy and have settled into a nice life there. 

Drew is a senior at Ole Miss and is majoring in accounting.  He intends on completing graduate school there as well.  He is still working part time for JCG in Oxford.  He is not yet sure what he'd like to do after he graduates but one thing is for sure, he has the mind to do whatever he desires.

Ray and Jeanie still love their new neighbors (us) and even still invite us over for dinner from time to time. :). Jeanie was just elected Chairman of the St. Luke's Hospital Foundation further proving that  her retirement is not a real thing.  Ray is still working like a young man but traveled to Branson on a bus this winter.  Seems like a very retirement-esque thing to me.  

Things have slowed down a bit for us since November and we have been able to take a moment to soak it all in. 

We felt we'd had enough commotion for the year though so we are spending Christmas on the beach in Hawaii!  We are currently on the plane to Vegas and will leave for Maui tomorrow.  After a day in Maui we will take the ferry over to Lanai.  Marsha and my dad will join us in Lanai. I plan on sailing peacefully through the holidays next to the ocean, without a care in this world.  

I hope to see more of my family and friends next year, especially little Bryce, who we did not see this year.  He welcomed a new baby sister this year with his family in Pennsylvania.  

We hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and a happy New Year!  Aloha.