Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spartan Ready

Last October, my co-workers and I signed up for a Spartan Race in Kalispell, MT. The race was 7 months away but we wanted to commit early and train hard for it. Spartan Races are obstacle races that take place on rugged terrain all over the U.S. This particular race that we signed up for is a little over five miles with 24 obstacles. While 5 miles not be a huge deal on a treadmill, running through steep mountainous terrain while doing obstacles that include boulder carries, spear throwing, and log hurdles is pretty intense. Not to mention that if you fail an obstacle, you must complete 30 burpees. We convinced our husbands to jump on board with us and make it a group effort. The first month, we trained pretty hard. We went to the track and set up rope climbs to test our limits. Then winter came and we started slacking. Then I got pregnant. I completely stopped working out other than a few short runs and then team kind of fell into the rut with me. Other than Seth of course. He was able to keep up with his running. Then I lost the baby and I got back on track almost immediately. I have found that I have a tendency to throw myself into projects after I lose a baby to give myself something to focus on. I cleaned up my diet and started a workout routine. Now, two months later and twenty-five pounds lighter, I'm ready to hit that race and show myself what I've worked so hard for. I'm ready to let all of my emotions out. I'm ready to let everything go that has happened since I signed up in October.  I'm ready to run for those who can't. I'm ready to dig deep and feel that sense of accomplishment. I'm ready to have that metal in my hands. I'm so ready for this!